* Education And Integral formation of the children (ADIWASHIPADA)
* Help for poor women & youth
The primary aim of Navjeevan Lokvikas Sanstha is to motivate and trained the Youth and Women to act as change agents for community development within social ecocomical, Educational and Cultual sphere

Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE)

The main objective of this programme is to cater to the needs of  the development of children in the age group of 3-6 years.  Pre-school education aims at ensuring holistic development of the children and to provide learning environment to children which is conducive for promotion of social, emotional,  cognitive and aesthetic development of the child.

           The Pre-school activities strengthen the child to get ready for primary school education with required skills to performance better candidate for school entry and also better performance for regular attendance in school.  It aims at improving  school enrollment and school retention in rural areas, relieve the older sibling mostly girls from the burden of child care and enable her to attend school and to prepare the children to adjust to formal school going..