
Mr.Kishore T.Bhamre
Educational & Experience: A trained Social worker  ( B.A, MSW )  who has worked with NGOs primarily and fulfilled his social obligation through his work with marginalized sections like sex workers,migrants,pavement dwellers,women and youth.
[email protected]

Vice. Chairman

Mrs. Vidya Ohal

EducationalSocial worker  ( B.A, MSW )  who has worked with Underpriviliage children in RLA.


Mr. Ramdass
Paraprofessional with 10 years experience of community work.
He has worked with NGOs like Avehi Audio-Visual Education Resource Center,
Maitreyi Foundation, Dhana Foundation, Social Activity Integration ( SAI )

Prog. Co.ordinator

Mr. Kiran Gaikwad
5 Year experience is social field, Who is achieve person in social work. He is expert in SHGI, Youth Club and rural  development.


Mr. Ashish Wakode
2 Year experience is social field, Who is active person in kid's Education.

Social Worker

1. Mrs. Shabana Shikh
    10 year Experience of social work ( BMS )

2. Mr. Ravi Patil
    4 year Experience of social work